Friday, January 29, 2010

SNSD Girl's Generation - "Oh!"

New music video by Girl's Generation :] They're so much fun.
Sometimes I think it's too bad American girls don't have videos and songs like this.
Oh well. They have all the fun. :P

The Real Time? 3:45 PM

But I didn't want to take my SNSD/Girl's Generation video away from the top of the page.

I've been listening to J-POP all day.
It's very distracting, and I'm not getting much done.

Oh, well.

Sometimes I wish I lived someplace where I could walk to cool stores and just meet people and have fun.

I've been feeling a bit lonely lately, but that's the way it is.
Sometimes the bed feels cold, and I think that it might be nice to have someone else in it.
If only I were more outgoing or social or something.
Had more self-confidence. It goes up and down, but it's never high.
Unless I decide not to give a crap about anyone.

It's a fine line between being smart and stupid.
Smart is safe. Stupid can be fun. I'm both, I guess.
When you're smart, you're closed up. When you allow yourself some stupidity, it can be lots of fun, but extremely embarrassing or hurtful later.

My feet are cold.

I need to go do something.