Wednesday, November 18, 2009

People Love To Hate

I don't understand why people judge stars so harshly. I understand that you're exposed to them on Television a lot, but that's no reason to treat them as if you actually know them. The way a person appears in media and in real life are different, and it's very unfair to say that you hate someone just from seeing them on TV for a while. And to hate someone for the way they sit in a chair or the way they say things is ridiculous. Ridiculous.

I bring this up because MSN Today is featuring stories about how much people absolutely hate Kristin Stewart. Now, I'm not a fan, not at all, but I definitely don't hate the girl. What reason do we have to hate her? Does she go out and shoot puppies for entertainment? Is she a criminal? Has she hurt anyone? I don't get it. When people hate her because she doesn't put on enough of a show for her fans. . . .Isn't she allowed to be herself? Everyone has different ways of dealing with things. And just because she doesn't laugh and smile and glow and flirt and act pretty all the time doesn't make her a bad person.

People need to focus on their own lives instead of being obsessed with how a young woman lives her life. Hell, at least she's living. I can bet you she's not obsessing and hating over anyone like the people that talk about how they live to hate her.

And those people are making her life stressful, and not as happy as it could be.
Shame on them.

Just my two-cents.

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